
Display name is required
Invalid display name. (only characters, no symbols, no numbers)
First name is required
Invalid first name. (only characters, no symbols, no numbers)
Last name is required
Invalid last name. (only characters, no symbols, no numbers)
Email address is required
Invalid email address
Phone number is required
Invalid phone number. (Use (123) 456-7890 format)
Password is required
Invalid password pattern. Must be at least 8 characters long.Must have at least 1 Upper case letter, 1 Lower Case Letter, At least 1 number, NO Symbols.
Your password and confirmation do not match.

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It looks like there's already an account with your email address. If you forgot your password, you can recover it here. An error occured while processing your request. Please check your information and try again, or contact support if the error persists.

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Your Email is {{formData.emailAddress}} and, you can login now.
